IVL04 KSOM+AA–(Potassium Simplex Optimized Medium) plus amino acids is a specialized culture medium designed to optimize the growth and development of various cell types, particularly in the fields of reproductive biology and stem cell research. This enriched formulation supports cell viability and promotes differentiation, making it an essential tool for researchers looking to enhance their experimental outcomes.

Specific Applications:

  • Embryo Culture:  Ideal for the in vitro culture of early-stage embryos, enhancing blastocyst formation and development.
  • Stem Cell Maintenance: Supports the growth of pluripotent stem cells, aiding in their maintenance and differentiation into specialized cell types.
  • Tissue Engineering: Provides a conducive environment for cell proliferation and matrix production in tissue engineering applications.
  • Protein Production: Facilitates the culture of cell lines for recombinant protein production, ensuring high yields and quality.

Commonly Cultured Cell Lines:

  • Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells (mESCs): Known for their pluripotency, these cells thrive in KSOM plus amino acids.
  • Human Embryonic Stem Cells (hESCs): Essential for developmental studies and regenerative medicine.
  • Pre-implantation Embryos: Utilized in reproductive technologies and developmental biology research.
By utilizing IVL04 KSOM+AA, researchers can achieve more reliable and reproducible results, driving advancements in cell biology and therapeutic applications.
**Disclaimer:** Results may vary depending on specific cell lines, specifications, and experimental conditions. Consult with cell culture specialists and review comprehensive literature to tailor its use to your specific research needs.